Sunday, August 2, 2009

July 25 Saturday

This morning we went to town, filled water jugs, took showers, grocery store, bank, and got diesel. Diesel is $3.27 a gallon. Then back to camp. The same bear was at the weir all day.

We went back to town and met at the Chilkat State Park at 5:00 for a surprise birthday for John one of the camp hosts. Everyone had a great time, fresh sockeye and shrimp, bratwurst, salads, cake, and beer.
Back to camp at 8:30. Bob made rounds and I transferred pictures from 2 cameras to the computer and to a memory stick. We also traded pictures with another couple from Florida Danny and Etta. They took awesome pictures of 3 black bear cubs climbing a tree.
Lots of bear pictures today!
Bob fished in the morning and we had to move for this bear coming up the bank. The bank is back behind him and the truck is parked to his right with us on the other side of it!

On the way back from town we stopped to watch this guy. Might be the same bear as this morning. There are two with collars.

These next pictures are not zoomed in but they are a series of pictures. Matt, the fish counter is out in the middle of this weir. The bear knows he can only go so far before Matt chases him away so he is pretty nervous while he is eating......This happens over and over and over every day!

Sit and wait for a fish.
See one, gotta get it!!
Boy is that good!
Watching for Matt!
Hurry up, eat some more!
Watch for Matt! Did he move?
Ready for another fish!
Strike and I missed!
Sit and wait for another one!
Got another one, gotta watch Matt!
Matt is way to close for my comfort!!!
Something spooked him (probably Matt) and he took the next fish up the shore.
Hmmmm what's up here?
Maybe a little further....
Nope, no fish up here.
I see where I need to be!
Not quite close enough.
Still not close enough........
I've been good Matt, can I come back now??

My last sunset at Chilkoot Lake for this trip.