Saturday, August 1, 2009


These pictures are ones that Bob had taken but not sent home yet. I wanted to get caught up on them before I posted the new ones......... Remember you can left click to make the picture bigger if you want.

This is a poor pitiful plant someone left in a camp. More about it later!

Steller Jay - "everyone thinks I am so pretty!"

Hitchiker -This is in the line of cars in the road construction. He rode on the truck several times, must like grey!
Parked along the highway

Kayakers passing by camp


Same bear zoomed in

Red-breasted Sapsucker Woodpecker

Merganser ducks - The nest is just below camp

This eagle is trying to get to the Merganser nest
Looks like he was successful..........

This is "The Rock" that Bob has to stand on to get phone reception - more on it later.
"The Rest of the Story"
Here is the plant that Bob saved
and it has a guest!!

I think this is probably Bob's new motto.

And, of course more sunsets! Other campers show up with a beer for Bob and ask if they can sit in his camp to watch the sunset!