Sunday, August 23, 2009

August 23 Sunday

This week it has been raining. The temperature has ranged from a low of 50 to a high of 59. Some days there has only been a 3 degree difference in the low and high temperature. Last weekend was a Canadian holiday and most of them gave up by Sunday because of the rain. There are still quite a few people driving out to the park to view the bears. Some days there are over 100 people on the road to view 2-3 bears fishing in the river. The Parks Dept. tries to post 3-5 "bear monitors" along the road. Bob has been helping with that. Their job is to stop people from parking on the river side of the road and to not allow any cars to stop on the road in a certain area. It is still surprising to us how dumb people can be around bears!! Visitors to the area are expecting more bears but the fish run has been just about 1/2 what it normally is which means less bears!

Three weeks from today I head back to Haines.