Sunday, August 2, 2009

July 24 Friday

Finally built a fire this morning (we have not sat still long enough!). Steve and Marion came down about 8:00 am, they are loaded and ready to start their trip home. Good friends, we will miss them and hope to see them again.

My turn on the rock calling home. Jen who works for the Parks Department told us the first day we were here that she knew there was phone coverage up here "in places". Several years ago while ice skating half way across the lake she was very surprised when her cell phone rang!

Camp visitor

We made the rounds then drove down to the bridge. Bob caught a pink on the 3rd cast (about 4 lbs.). We passed the neighbors on our way back. They are a retired couple from Virginia where he was a Fish Biologist. They told us about the surprise they got this morning when they opened the trailer door to let their little dog out. A bear was standing in their camp. They said the bear left their camp and walked the path between theirs and ours, checked out our site then went off into the woods!

Went up and down the road a couple of times, took more pictures of eagles (you never know which one will come out the best!) Then back to camp for lunch. While we were sitting at the table a hummingbird hit the window then flew off over the lake. Bob took a nap. High is 61 today.

Adult bald eagles weigh between nine and 12 pounds with a wing span of seven feet. The females are slightly larger than the males. They can fly up to 30 mph and dive up to 100 mph. Eagles have excellent eyesight and can spot a fish up to a mile away. (

Another beautiful night!