Saturday, August 1, 2009

July 21 Tuesday

51 degrees out this morning. Bob made rounds this morning while I finished the dishes and took the garbage to the dumpster. I heard a thrashing through the woods behind it and froze in my tracks…. so did the bear. I opened the dumpster and heard more thrashing through the woods. Never did see him but my heart was sure racing and Bob said I was pretty white when he got to where I was! Bob fished off and on during the day as we come and go. We got some good eagle pictures today. Tonight we went in to the Elks for Taco Tuesday and lots of visiting. On the way back we saw one bear with a tracking collar. The bear had just stolen and eaten two fish from a fisherman on the bank. This is one of the two bears in the area with a tracking collar. Back at camp Steve and Marion came down for Tillamook ice cream.

Today on one of the walks around the campground 2 ladies were standing not far from the dumpster where I had a “close encounter”. One of them asked Bob “where do the bears live?”? I almost doubled over laughing as he explained that they did not have little houses they lived in and there were lots of woods out there where they sleep wherever they want. She seemed OK with that when the next thing she asked was “have you seen any eagles?” Again I had to fight hysterical laughing as we both explained to them the nests on the roadway and the eagles that are down at the boat launch when we both just wanted to say “have you looked up”?

Alaska Wildflowers

The bears like these berries

This fungus grew almost overnight!


Fireweed blooms from the bottom to the top. They say when it gets to the top summer is over.
More Fishing..........always more fishing!
This pink got to close to a seal. He went on Steve's smoker.
Ford Commercial
Another merganser family. Mom is close by and so are the eagles!

These eagles pictures were taken about 9:30 pm. One with a flash and one without.
"What did you say? I can't hear you!"

One of two collared bears. The fish run has been very slow. The bigger bears are still back at the back of the lake where the fish are spawning.

This one got spooked by people and swam across the river.