Saturday, August 1, 2009

July 20 Monday

We went to town today: Laundry, showers, groceries and the sporting goods store. Checked in with the State Forestry Service. They said fires are still not allowed because it was so hot last week and everything is very dry. Some tent campers have no other way to cook their food! Went to dinner with Steve and Marion from Grants Pass then they took us across the lake in their boat. We watched the fish spawning and sat for a long time about 20 feet from a bald eagle. Several days later I heard that there is a very aggressive bear who hangs out there and does not take kindly to visitors! Then we heard one of the kayak excursions saw 6 bears at this site! We spotted lots of lures in the lake today the boys were able to retrieve. Bob called the Ranger later in the evening and he said go ahead and let campers have small fires. We heard there was another bear in camp last night 2 sites from ours.

On the other side of the lake it almost looks prehistoric.

The eagles were awesome! We sat 20 feet below an eagle and he did not move. He was waiting for us to leave so he could continue his dinner! Another one hopped up the bank. He looked like a big fat turkey!

Young adult eagle
Someone else's loss was our gain!
Salmon spawning on the back side of the lake.

Bob calling the ranger from "The Rock" to ask about having campfires tonight (9:30 pm).

Bob is able to call home any time - if he stands on the rock! If he turns or steps off I can't hear him until he gets back on it!