Sunday, August 16, 2009

August 15 Pictures from Bob

The bears are starting to run together a little. Bob has 3 cameras so it is hard to keep straight which day and which bear but I posted the best ones below.

Their teeth are like razors!

This one is right below camp. This is the rock the merganser ducks sit on.

This is a viewpoint on the hillside that Bob helped the Parks Dept. build. The boat harbor is below and to the left.

"The World" cruise ship docked in Haines for a few days.
This is the view of the lake from camp where most of the sunset pictures are taken. This is smoke from the forest fires in the Yukon.

Sorry Bob, but this is the UGLIEST bear I have ever seen. (Poor thing, we should take a collection for him to visit the beauty parlor! )

Not quite as bad on the other side but still ugly!

Do you think he heard me say he was ugly?

Swimming to a fishing hole.

Waiting on a rock.

Missed him. (Doesn't look like he is trying to hard!)

This is the bear Bob was watching across the river.

This is the bear that was watching Bob - and the bear across the river.
Blue heron fishing by camp.

I think Bob watched Castaway last night!

Today it is POURING in camp. It is a Canadian holiday so the campground is full!