Monday, June 1, 2009

June 1 Monday

Activity in the campground has started to pick up. There have been some campers, and visits from more bears. A bear visited a campsite Saturday night and dug a 2 ft x 2 ft deep hole in a campsite near a log. There was a camper sleeping in his vehicle in that site. He told Bob the next day his dogs got a little excited during the night! Saw another brown bear across the river from where we were camped for 5 days when we came into the lake. (I'm going to use the term "bear" to describe brown bears (grizzly). If it is a black bear I will mention that. Black bears frequent the park less often than browns.)

Bob is able to call home pretty much every day. If he is in camp he has to come out of the 5th wheel and go stand on a rock. During the conversation it's pretty obvious if he moves off of "his" rock!

Because the internet is so S L O W it is nearly impossible to e-mail pictures home. Bob is saving pictures to the laptop computer and will mail them home on a stick. So, unfortunately there will be no new pictures until that happens.

Today it is over 70 degrees in Haines and sunny! Bob had a steak for dinner and probably a "smuggled" in bottle of Henry's. Cranking the generator up and gonna watch a movie. Tough life!