Saturday, June 27, 2009

June 27 Saturday

Today was an interesting day. Some people from the Water Shed Council were obtaining water samples to test a creek that flows into the lake. They were back on a bear trail about a mile. They came out and told Bob that they found a trap line with several traps and a dead wolverine. They turned this information in to the State Wildlife Trooper who came and talked to Bob. The first party was able to provide the Trooper with a GPS location for the site. Bob went with the Trooper and his summer worker back up the bear trail. They found 5 traps that had been sprung. One trap had a marten and one had a wolverine. The traps looked like they were set last winter. The Trooper cut the chains to the traps and took them back to camp. Whoever set the trapline marked notches on the trees so he could find the location from the lake. YES, the Trooper had a gun!

Shortly thereafter John and Jen the Camp Hosts at Chilkat State Park came to visit. They visited for several hours, compared pictures on the computer, and had some liquid refreshments! John does not have a refrigerator at his camp so he left the case of beer with Bob for the next visit. (good luck)