Sunday, June 21, 2009

June 20 Saturday

Earlier this week two brown bears were seen walking down the street in Haines near Portage Cove State Campground. This is a tent/bike site only. Seems it shook up one of the campers pretty bad! He only got a picture of his feet! For anyone who has been to Haines this is down where the Fast Ferry docks.

Have seen several small sockeye salmon caught. Fished for Dolly Varden several days ago. Hooked a fish and several nearby eagles decided they wanted it! They divebombed the fish. Bob put the pole down and went and got the camera! It sounds like he got pictures and the eagles did not get the fish!

Tonight going to a free salmon feed at the S.E. Alaska State Fairgrounds at Dalton City.

New pictures have arrived at home and will be posted soon.

******BABY ALERT*****Bob's daughter Sarah and husband Jeff headed to the hospital about 6:00 tonight.