Saturday, May 9, 2009

May 9 Seattle to Quesnel

Today we were up before 5, ate breakfast and were on the road by 5:30. We crossed the border at 7:15. Diesel is cheap! 98 cents a litre. It is cheaper than regular gas in many places. I think it is a payback for the price we paid last year!

Today we saw another coyote, 7 deer, and two mature eagles. Bob and I each saw more deer but the rule is if we do not both see them they do not count.

Another beautiful day today. Between 50 and 60 degrees depending on the mountains and a few clouds. We drove 436 miles today. The next two days will be over 500 each and hopefully we will be in Haines on Wednesday.

We are camped at an RV park 10 miles S. of Quesnel. We have stayed here 3 other times. We will be up early in the morning and on the road.