Sunday, May 24, 2009

May 11 Buckinghorse to Watson Lake

Today we left camp at 4:30 a.m.. It is 26 degrees out and cloudy. We are anxious to get out and see some animals, and we were not disappointed. Today was the best day of the trip for wildlife: 1 moose, 1 deer, 2 stone sheep, 17 caribou (5 locations), approximately 70 buffalo (8 locations, including one with a herd of about 40), and 3 black bear. We drove a total of 435 miles today, passing by Summit Lake and Muncho Lake, into the Canadian Rockies and then crossed into the Yukon. Summit Lake is an elevation of 4,250 and is the highest point on the Alcan. The pictures this year are very different from last year. Summit Lake is still completely frozen over. Muncho Lake has started to thaw. You can see the tracks of the snowmobilers and see circles cut in the ice for fishing. We spent the night at an RV park in Watson Lake, Yukon Territory.

Going up the mountain!


Stone Sheep

Summit Lake on the Alcan Highway

Muncho Lake on the Alcan Highway


Black Bears