Sunday, May 24, 2009

May 13 Catchup Day!

Today was catch-up day! We had showers (much needed). I did one load of laundry. Bob went by the State Parks Office (no one home), the Haines Cemetery (found an old friend), and the car wash. Then we took a trip out to Chilkoot Lake to look around. Came back to town and went to the Dr's. office and picked up paperwork to register Bob (just in case). Went to the Post Office and checked on his mail delivery. Made sure his debit card worked at the bank. Stopped at the Visitor Center. Went to three stores in town. They have an IGA and also a sporting goods store that has a grocery store attached. The other store we stopped at was mainly for tourists (that would be me). It was closing in two days - new owners. All of this is in a two block area. There is a hardware store in town and some other small stores but none to write home about.