Sunday, September 27, 2009


Left camp at 7:15. Passed 108 Mile House. This is a nice stop with buildings that have been preserved. Worth stopping to see. You can see pictures on last years blog. The terrain changed today. Lots of horses and cattle and massive hay fields. Many old houses and buildings like you would see on a puzzle. Got fuel at Cache Creek. 93 cents a litre. Lunch along the road and then through the Fraser Canyon past Gold Pan Campground on the Thompson River. Past Hells Gate Canyon. This is also worth stopping at. There is a tram down to the river below. See pictures on last years blog. Finally saw another Mountie at Hope which is 50 miles from the U.S. Border. (The first Rambo movie was filmed in Hope.) Crossed the US border at 3:15. Got gas in Bellingham, Washington $3.01 per gallon. Stopped for the night at the rest stop north of Seattle.