Sunday, September 27, 2009


Left Dease River Crossing at 7:15 and continued down the Cassiar Highway. The moose hunters are everywhere. No bears today either. We saw 6 grouse, 1 chipmunk, and 1 hawk. Pretty sad. Topped off the tank at Dease Lake $1.10 per litre. Fuel is far and few between and you have to plan carefully. Some of the stops are already closed for the season and it is better to be safe than sorry! We arrived at Meziadin Lake Provincial Park at 1:00. This is a beautiful campground right on the lake which is huge. We unhooked and headed for Hyder, Alaska at 1:30. It is a 40 mile drive. On the way to Hyder we stopped at Bear Glacier and got fuel at Stewart, B.C. $1.05 per litre. Drove on to Hyder and out to Fish Creek bear viewing platform. There are a few fish still in the river, but the volunteer said they are only seeing 3 bears now and not very often. We stayed 1 hour. Took pictures of an eagle and a kingfisher. Stopped at the little store in Hyder where a 2 lb. brick of Tillamook cheese was $19.00. Visited a little bit then stopped for homemade fudge before getting the passport back out to cross back into Canada. They do not have a border crossing into Hyder, Alaska. We stopped at Stewart, B.C. at King Edwards Hotel for dinner (sounds fancier than it is!) Then back to camp. It started pouring while we were at dinner. 335 miles today.
Cassiar Highway

Meziadin Provincial Park, Cassiar Highway, B.C.

Bear Glacier - Stewart/Hyder Highway

Hyder, Alaska

At Fish Creek Bear viewing platform

Fish spawning

Leaving Hyder, Alaska

Border Crossing - Hyder, Alaska to Stewart, B.C.

South bound on the Cassiar Highway