Friday, September 11, 2009

September 11 Friday

Today Fish and Game pulled the fish weir out of the Chilkoot River. It has rained so hard that the river is very high. The water AND the fish are going right over the top of the weir. Makes it kind of hard to count them!! Many people are leaving. Bob said they are deserting the town like rats from a sinking ship!

Tomorrow - Saturday the 12th of September I will head to Haines. Portland to Seattle, Seattle to Juneau, and a 4 1/2 hour ferry ride from Juneau to Haines. Bob is taking the ferry from Haines in the morning and will meet me in Juneau to ride back with me.

We will leave Haines on Tuesday morning September 15. Bob says customs opens at 7:00 and we will be there waiting to cross over. Not sure how long it will take us.

See you in about a week!