Sunday, July 5, 2009

July 4 Independence Day

75 and sunny today - a perfect day for a parade! 1st thing in the morning the Parks Department all washed the Rangers pickup which would pull the float. Rode on the float with the other parks people. Many events in town especially for the kids. The firemen let the kids wear their coats and hats and have a water fight. There is also a mud volleyball game. It is surprising how many people show up at Haines for a parade. People come from other towns including Skagway and Whitehorse. Enjoyed a BBQ lunch then at 6:00 p.m. Then there was a raft race on the Chilkoot River with the Camp Host as a spotter. They had 2 regular rafts with trained lifeguards.This started at the boat launch near camp. Because of the number of people and the alcohol involved the Ranger and Fish and Game Trooper were called in to help!