Tuesday, July 28, 2009


July 27, Monday - I arrived back from Haines, AK last night at 10:00. What a difference in the weather! I have lots of information and pictures to post but it will probably be this weekend. No air conditioning makes it pretty miserable to sit at the computer for very long. (100 plus outside and it doesn't get below 85 in the house at night) Dena

Friday, July 17, 2009

July 17 Friday

Packed and ready to go. Up early in the morning - 2:30 a.m.!! Quick shower then head to the airport. Tomorrow will be a long day!

July 15 Thursday

Baking cookies tonight to take to Alaska. I leave on Saturday morning at 5:30, fly to Seattle, then fly to Juneau, then take the Alaska Marine Highway Ferry to Haines - 4 1/2 hours. Arrive at Haines at 7:30 pm (Alaska time). Of course it has started to rain in Alaska! I will try and update the blog if we get to the library. Will be back late Sunday July 26th. Dena

Sunday, July 12, 2009

July 12 Sunday

Fished today - Caught a Dolly Varden, a Cutthroat and a Sockeye - released them all.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Sunset at Chilkoot Lake


Harbor Seal

Moose & Calf

Moose and calf at 18 mile on the Chilkat River

Ducks - Loons

Salmon and Fish Weir

Fish Weir - Haines, Alaska

10 lb salmon - in the freezer until Dena comes up

4th of July pictures

4th of July in Haines

Raft race at Chilkoot Lake. Rafters had to get out at the fish weir, and carry their raft around to continue.

July 10 Friday

Today there was a small craft advisory in the canal so there would be no halibut fishing. Spent several hours in the boat going around the lake. Got to watch the sockeye salmon spawning at the far end of the lake, quite a sight. Amazing views as you motor around the lake, waterfalls and rock formations that are awe inspiring!

There was a bear down at the boat dock last night. He has been there the last several evenings.

Pictures mailed home are being posted today.

July 9 Thursday

Went halibut fishing in Lynn Canal with another camper. 14 foot boat with a 20 hp motor. Did not catch any halibut but caught some ling cod and bottom fish. Had dinner with these campers. More fishing tomorrow.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

July 7 Tuesday

This fish run is having very low numbers. They have cut back on gill netting in Lynn Canal because very few fish are coming up the Chilkoot River into the lake and up the Chilkoot River on the other side to spawn. The numbers should pick up soon and perhaps a decent size run will occur.

Today it was 84 degrees! A beautiful day! This is the 4th day in a row it has been over 80. Haines cannot say they did not have a summer this year!!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

July 4 Independence Day

75 and sunny today - a perfect day for a parade! 1st thing in the morning the Parks Department all washed the Rangers pickup which would pull the float. Rode on the float with the other parks people. Many events in town especially for the kids. The firemen let the kids wear their coats and hats and have a water fight. There is also a mud volleyball game. It is surprising how many people show up at Haines for a parade. People come from other towns including Skagway and Whitehorse. Enjoyed a BBQ lunch then at 6:00 p.m. Then there was a raft race on the Chilkoot River with the Camp Host as a spotter. They had 2 regular rafts with trained lifeguards.This started at the boat launch near camp. Because of the number of people and the alcohol involved the Ranger and Fish and Game Trooper were called in to help!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

July 3 Friday

Caught the first salmon last night - about 10 lbs. 8 fisherman caught 5 fish while 3 eagles watched! Over 2000 fish over the weir in the last two days. They close the weir at night so the fish cannot go through without being counted. If the bears are near they are staying hidden in the woods! There is another fish run that follows shortly after this one is over.

Went to town today to help build a float for the Parks Department for the 4th of July. Then to the Haines Fire Department lunch. BBQ beef with all the trimmings. It is their major fundraiser for the year. Haines has a Chief and a Dispatcher. The rest are all volunteers. Bought a "Haines Volunteer Fire Dept." t-shirt, actually was a volunteer about 35 years ago!

75 and sunny today - very nice!

July 2 Thursday

Went for a drive up to 18 mile (yep, that's 18 miles from Haines and back towards the Canadian border). Saw a cow moose and calf in the Chilkat River. Took care of domestics in town....shopping, shower, laundry, Post Office.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

July 1 Wednesday

The weather has been mild this week, overcast and a few sprinkles. The fish run is still not here and neither are the bears. Have only seen 2-3. Tuesday night was taco's and visiting at the Elks. Today helped Jen (from the Parks Dept) mow the entrance into the park. Two mowers, 2 1/2 hours each. This is the area where the boat launch is and where we parked for five days when we came into camp. Have been fishing often - catch and release Dolly Varden.