Sunday, August 30, 2009

August 30 Sunday

To town today for gas for the generator! Then a little reading, a nap, and then some fishing. The "pinks" are spawning right at our camp.

August 29 Saturday

Because of so much rain this week the water level of the river is up and parts of the fish weir had to be removed. There were 4 bears out between the weir and the bridge. There are two new bears - BIG bears!

August 26 Wednesday

It has rained all week in Haines. The temperature is a little cooler and it looks like summer is over! Today was the first day for snow in the mountains on the Haines Highway - in August!!!

Monday, August 24, 2009

August 24 Monday

Last night there were 5 bears on the road by the fish weir and only one Bear Monitor - Bob! Only one of the bears was collared so new bears are coming in. Today a bear walked between our camp and the next and on up through the campground. Tonight all of the camp hosts were meeting in town for pizza before some of them leave for home. They are starting to think summer is over because of the rain!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

August 23 Sunday

This week it has been raining. The temperature has ranged from a low of 50 to a high of 59. Some days there has only been a 3 degree difference in the low and high temperature. Last weekend was a Canadian holiday and most of them gave up by Sunday because of the rain. There are still quite a few people driving out to the park to view the bears. Some days there are over 100 people on the road to view 2-3 bears fishing in the river. The Parks Dept. tries to post 3-5 "bear monitors" along the road. Bob has been helping with that. Their job is to stop people from parking on the river side of the road and to not allow any cars to stop on the road in a certain area. It is still surprising to us how dumb people can be around bears!! Visitors to the area are expecting more bears but the fish run has been just about 1/2 what it normally is which means less bears!

Three weeks from today I head back to Haines.

August 21 Friday

Today Bob called from Alaska to wish Jamie a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

August 15 Pictures from Bob

The bears are starting to run together a little. Bob has 3 cameras so it is hard to keep straight which day and which bear but I posted the best ones below.

Their teeth are like razors!

This one is right below camp. This is the rock the merganser ducks sit on.

This is a viewpoint on the hillside that Bob helped the Parks Dept. build. The boat harbor is below and to the left.

"The World" cruise ship docked in Haines for a few days.
This is the view of the lake from camp where most of the sunset pictures are taken. This is smoke from the forest fires in the Yukon.

Sorry Bob, but this is the UGLIEST bear I have ever seen. (Poor thing, we should take a collection for him to visit the beauty parlor! )

Not quite as bad on the other side but still ugly!

Do you think he heard me say he was ugly?

Swimming to a fishing hole.

Waiting on a rock.

Missed him. (Doesn't look like he is trying to hard!)

This is the bear Bob was watching across the river.

This is the bear that was watching Bob - and the bear across the river.
Blue heron fishing by camp.

I think Bob watched Castaway last night!

Today it is POURING in camp. It is a Canadian holiday so the campground is full!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

August 13 Thursday

Bob e-mailed me 2 pictures - one of a blue heron landing right by camp and another of one of the collared bears eating lunch.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

August 10 Monday

Last night 5 different bears were seen in the park. Bob did not see them but had a report of one of the collared bears, the smaller bear that he watched across the river, and 3 larger brown bears. He will be out with his camera today!

A stick was mailed home today so there will be more pictures at the end of the week.

Sunday, August 9, 2009


The following pitures were not taken by Bob or I. These are black bear cubs and the pictures were taken by Etta and Danny from Florida. It is rare to see cubs but even more rare to see triplets! How cool is that! These pictures were taken from a distance and I zoomed them in on the computer. What I want to know is where is Mama bear????

Information from the Chilkat Valley News July 23, 2009

Alaska Power and Telephone is proposing to raise residential and commercial electric bills 9 percent next month to offset increased operations, maintenance, and customer service costs, and may increase rates an additional 4 percent next year. The company has not adjusted its electric rates or customer charge since 2004. Combined with an energy charge next month of 8.5 cents, customers will pay about 22 cents per kilowatt-hour under the new rates.

Due to vandalism incidents over the last several weekends the Borough assembly recently discussed re-enstating the curfew. Over the last weekend there were several incidents of vandalism that total approximately $10. 10 flower boxes, two wooden stools, a garbage can , and a hand cart were smashed at the Port Chilkoot Dock, two windows were broken at the visitor center information booth on the dock and 4 fishing rods were stolen off a boat in the harbor. On Sunday vandals smashed a window of the senior citizen center transport van and broke a small window at the public library. The crimes appear to be related and evidence collected at the scenes included fingerprints, shoe prints, and alcohol bottles. (The local curfew requires youths under age 18 to be home by 10 pm on weekdays during the school year and by midnight on weekends and during the summer.) There has also been recent damage at a native cemetery at 4 Mile.

During the 3 day opening for commercial chum fishing last week a total harvest of 360,000 fish were harvested. (This includes Limestone Inlet and Gastineau Channel at Juneau and Lynn Canal at Haines.) Chum caught in Lynn Canal are averaging 7.6 pounds each compared to 10 pounds last year. Lynn Canal sockeye weigh an average 6.9 pounds. Chum are smaller this year throughout southeast. This last happened in 2003. The cause is said to be ocean conditions. "Something's having an impact on their food source and they're not getting as much to eat as they should." There are about 20 boats focused on chum at Haines. The lower numbers are because of gear restrictions and area closures to protect a depressed Chilkoot run (Bob's lake). As of Tuesday only 12,500 reds have passed Chilkoot weir this year compared to 22,317 by this week, on average for the past 10 years.

Alaska Indian Arts of Haines recently finished their largest totem pole in about 25 years. The pole took two years to finish. It is a one-ton cedar and is 35 foot tall. The totem was ordered by Texas real estate magnate and Replublican party benefactor Harlan Crow who owns one of the world's largest private collections of statues. The pole is valued at $100,000 and will go up at Camp Topridge, a summer estate in upstate New York.

Police Report for the Week of July 23:

Tuesday July 14
Police received a complaint about a truck and trailer blocking half of a road in Fort Seward.
Thursday July 16
Police helped a motorist who stalled at second ave and Old Haines Highway.
A caller reported a moose swimming near crab pots in front of a beachside RV Park.
Saturday July 18
A caller reported a vehicle stolen. Police discovered the caller's child had loaned out the car.
A caller reported hearing gunshots near the Mount Riley Trail.
A vehicle was reported in a ditch at 5 Mile with air bags deployed and only a dog inside.
Troopers made contact with the driver.
A large cottonwood tree was reported in the road at 20 Mile.
A caller reported a bear charged their vehicle at 4 Mile and were concerned for the safety of
people who had a car parked there.
Sunday July 19
An injured hawk was taken to the eagle foundation.
A caller reported a neighbor using a burn barrel. Police found no fire.
A caller reported a person smoking fish. Police said it was legal.
A caller reported a three foot deep hole in the sidewalk on Main Street across from the bank.
Police contacted Public Works.
An agency reported concern for an overdue pilot. Police checked on the pilot, who was at home.
Monday July 20
A caller reported a person lying on the ground in a pullout on Lutak Road. Police gave the intoxicated person a ride home.

August 7 Friday

Went to the Park Shops this afternoon. Today is Preston's birthday (The Ranger). Spaghetti feed with the other park employees.

August 4 Tuesday

Today Bob was standing on the road taking a picture of a smaller adult bear. He stood and watched him for about 40 minutes. No one else was around and at one point he looked up and found that there was one of the collared brown bears watching him from the road about 50 feet away! The bears are so quiet! Bob did not hear him as he came down the hill out of the woods or up the bank from the river. Now that is a wierd feeling! And people always think they will hear a bear!

The bigger bear saw the littler one and swam across the river and chased him off. (pictures to come).

Camp has been almost full every day.

August 3 Monday

There are quite a few forest fires up in the Yukon. The smoke has settled down at camp and you can hardly see the lake. It is also difficult to breath today.

August 2 Sunday

Today Bob took the canoe out and went across the lake. He decided it is a lot easier with 2 people. (I'm pretty good at paddling a canoe!).

A bear came into camp today - Bob got in the trailer with the door open to take his picture and of course the bear went around the back of the trailer! Do you think he could be camera shy?

August 1 Saturday

Today a canoe arrived in camp - Several weeks ago a neighbor up the road came and talked to Bob. Someone was sending him a 5th wheel on the ferry from Juneau, just a 5th wheel, no truck. He knew Bob had a hitch in the truck and asked if he would take if off of the ferry and deliver it to his house. Of course Bob said yes! The fella wanted to pay Bob but he said no. When he asked if there was anything else he could use at camp Bob told him he had tried to find a canoe to use for the summer. The guy said not to worry I will have one delivered to your camp!

July 28 Tuesday

Today a package arrived from Lynn and Gayle inTexas - 3o Mrs. Bairds pies, yum yum!

Sunday, August 2, 2009


I have pictures of the 3 black bear cubs that I will post later

July 26 Sunday

At the ferry terminal this morning about 8:00, the ferry left at 9:00 and I got home at 9:00 tonight. Somebody said it would be easier the second time. NOT! My reservation is made to fly back to Seattle, then to Juneau, then on the ferry to Haines on September 13. WE will be back home about 10 days later.

July 25 Saturday

This morning we went to town, filled water jugs, took showers, grocery store, bank, and got diesel. Diesel is $3.27 a gallon. Then back to camp. The same bear was at the weir all day.

We went back to town and met at the Chilkat State Park at 5:00 for a surprise birthday for John one of the camp hosts. Everyone had a great time, fresh sockeye and shrimp, bratwurst, salads, cake, and beer.
Back to camp at 8:30. Bob made rounds and I transferred pictures from 2 cameras to the computer and to a memory stick. We also traded pictures with another couple from Florida Danny and Etta. They took awesome pictures of 3 black bear cubs climbing a tree.
Lots of bear pictures today!
Bob fished in the morning and we had to move for this bear coming up the bank. The bank is back behind him and the truck is parked to his right with us on the other side of it!

On the way back from town we stopped to watch this guy. Might be the same bear as this morning. There are two with collars.

These next pictures are not zoomed in but they are a series of pictures. Matt, the fish counter is out in the middle of this weir. The bear knows he can only go so far before Matt chases him away so he is pretty nervous while he is eating......This happens over and over and over every day!

Sit and wait for a fish.
See one, gotta get it!!
Boy is that good!
Watching for Matt!
Hurry up, eat some more!
Watch for Matt! Did he move?
Ready for another fish!
Strike and I missed!
Sit and wait for another one!
Got another one, gotta watch Matt!
Matt is way to close for my comfort!!!
Something spooked him (probably Matt) and he took the next fish up the shore.
Hmmmm what's up here?
Maybe a little further....
Nope, no fish up here.
I see where I need to be!
Not quite close enough.
Still not close enough........
I've been good Matt, can I come back now??

My last sunset at Chilkoot Lake for this trip.